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Fall Update

Oh, my! It’s been a while since I posted. Oops! Time got away from me.

September has been busy. Hubby arrived at the new house with the car and the dogs. He stayed for a week, then flew back home to close the house sale. That all went through fine and he flew back out west. We’re all together – 2 people and 2 dogs. Horray!

Now that we’ve moved into October, we’re settling in to a routine of work (part-time for both of us) and other stuff, like shopping for stuff we suddenly realize we’re without, cooking (necessary!), dog walks (4 times a day, since we don’t have a yard that would absorb their, ahem, output), and transforming this place into a cozy home.

So far, so good.

Last week, we babysat our grand-pup. He’s younger and bigger than both of our dogs combined! Luckily he’s a gentle giant.

I started out babysitting at daughter’s home, since that’s where he’s used to being AND it has a large yard. After a few days where the furnace wasn’t coming on, I declared I was freezing (not really, but my fingers were getting chilly and I was tired of wearing 5 layers of clothing!), I brought the big guy to our 2 bedroom condo.

He was a very good guest.

He got along with our 2 dogs and there were absolutely no tussles with the pack, not even over food. How polite! He loved the patio stones, since they were cooler than the house. He spent his time laying on them or just inside the patio doors, which is where he is in the picture.

Mostly he just slept.

He has now gone to the other grandpupparents’ place for the last week of dog-sitting. We did the exchange at a meetup of Golden Retrievers at a local river.

These meet-ups are awesome. Once a month, the organizer sends out an update of the day and time, and anyone who’s interested can show up at a local river that is a haven for dog-walkers. When she dumps a bin-full of tennis balls, the canines go nuts! So much tail-wagging, spraying-from-shaking, tongue-lolling, and smiles.

Our Little Pup-clan

It’s a blast watching excited golden dogs rush around, splashing and playing. All us owners sit around watching/refereeing (rarely needed)/throwing balls into the river. All dogs come out wet, tired, and happy. Our pups slept the rest of the day.

Hope your fall is just as fun and exciting as it has been for us and our dogs.

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